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Contact No. (+91)-9899215598 , 9811573394
Email ID principal.pragya@gmail.com
Session 2025-27
For B.Ed.
For M.Ed.
I S/o, D/o hereby declare that, the entries made by me in Application Form are completed and true to the best of my knowledge and based on records. I, hereby, undertake to present the original documents immediately upon the concerned authorities of the institution(PCE). I, hereby, promise to abide by the admissible rules and regulation, concerning discipline, attendance, etc. of the Institute (PCE), and also follow the code of conduct prescribed for the students of the institute, as in force from time to time and subsequent changes/modifications made thereto. I acknowledge that, the College has the authority for taking punitive actions against me for violation and/or non-compliance of the same. I, hereby declare that, I shall solely responsible for my involvement in any kind of undesirable / indisciplinary activities outside the campus, and shall be liable for punishment as per law of the land. I, further declare that, my admission may be cancelled, at any stage, if I am found ineligible and/or the information provided by me are found to be incorrect.
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